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Physical Education


At Blessed Thomas Holford we aim to develop the physical, social and emotional well- being of all of our pupils. This enables them to develop their whole self; to support their health, fitness and wellbeing and instil a lifelong love of sport and physical activity. 

Pupils will learn through high quality teaching; the concepts of healthy lifestyles, competition, evaluation of tactics and strategies and leadership to focus on the development of the whole self to maximise participation for all. 

We empower pupils to become physically active by taking part in a broad range of activities to build character and embed values such as fairness, responsibility, and respect to develop resilience. This helps to give pupils a memorable experience in their journey in Physical Education. 

Pupils are given the opportunity to be physically active, engage in competitive sports and excel in a broad range of physical activities; as well as learning how to analyse and evaluate their performance to achieve their personal best.  

In key stage 3 we will look at developing pupils’ motor competence, technique and performance within competitive situations and embedding key knowledge and terminology specific to our subject. 

As pupils progress from key stage 3 to key stage 4 they will take on additional roles within their lessons to develop leadership, team building and problem-solving skills. Pupils will be expected to develop their technique and use a variety of strategies and tactics to outwit opponents in team and individual games. They will be exposed to a range of environments that present both physical and intellectual challenges to develop their problem-solving skills.

In key stage 4 we offer pupils high quality, tailored qualifications, and memorable learning experiences to prepare them for the next chapter in life in the hope that they leave school possessing the skills, motivation, and knowledge to enjoy a lifelong engagement with sport and physical activity. 

At key stage 5 we offer pupils the opportunity to opt for either a vocational or exam-based qualification. In A Level Physical Education pupils gain an insight into the world of sports performance.  They study Anatomy and Physiology, Sports Psychology and Socio-Cultural factors in addition to being assessed on their practical ability. 

For the Cambridge National in Sports Studies pupils undertake a wide range of centre assessed units with practical and wider project-based assessment opportunities, as well as examined units on the body systems and the long and short term impacts of sport and physical activity; how sport is organised and the purpose of sports development.