Catholic Life and Mission
"Faith is not something decorative or for show. To have faith means to put Christ truly at the centre of our lives." Pope Francis.
Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College is a vibrant school that nurtures individual talent and respect for others. With our faith in Jesus, we are kind, work hard and develop our whole self. Together, we make a difference.
Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College is a special place and is first and foremost a Catholic school, guided by Gospel values. We recognise everyone as being made ‘in God’s image and likeness’ and as such everyone, regardless of their own faith perspective, is welcomed and valued for who they are.
As a Catholic school we are proud to worship, and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Walking around our school you will ‘feel’ our Catholic ethos in the air – the way we talk to one another, the way we support and trust each other and the way we are driven to succeed in our mission.
The staff at Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College promote a dedication to all pupils which empowers our pupils to excel spiritually and academically whilst expanding their horizons in a nurturing environment. Our commitment to high-quality teaching, focus on mastery of knowledge and partnerships with parents and the local community provides a richness of experience that enables all to develop their God given talents.
Our total love for the child ensures that all individuals are given the opportunity to succeed. Our consistent approach provides clarity for all pupils and instils strong lifelong learning habits, thus, aiding every pupil to become better qualified, more successful, and happier. We have the highest expectations for everyone.
This means that we will do whatever it takes to ensure that every pupil achieves their full potential both academically and personally. We aim to develop young people who treat others with dignity and respect and have high expectations of themselves and others, encouraging each other to succeed.
We have an outstanding reputation for academic achievement based on a consistent record of excellent examination results. Our values driven policies, clear vision and consistent routines demand and nurture a strong sense of moral purpose, personal responsibility, integrity, honesty and respect for others within our pupils. These qualities enable each of our young people to fulfil their potential.
We work in partnership with parents to enable our pupils to lead full, active, vibrant lives where every child thrives and makes meaningful contributions by serving others and their community; ensuring the journey to adulthood is a journey of faith.
School Trip: Rome and Vatican City
Every year, students from the school are invited to attend a Catholic Life and Ethos trip to Rome and Vatican City. Organised by our Catholic Life and Ethos Team, this is an opportunity for over 60 students to experience guided visits to key religious places of worship such as St Peter’s Basilica, as well as learning about the wider history of Rome, making it a fulfilling trip for anyone interested in the faith life of the school, Religious Studies, History or Classics.