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Induction Day and Evening


The Induction Evening will commence at 6.00pm. The evening will begin with a welcome from the Headteacher, the Heads of Year 7 and the Head of Key Stage 3. They will provide further details outlining the transition process followed by a presentation about the Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College experience and family. While you are listening to the presentation, your child will meet with their Form Tutor in their form rooms, and they will also listen to a similar presentation about life at BTHCC. It will also be an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have.


On Induction Day, students will arrive at Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College at 9:15am at the main entrance. Students will be met by staff and escorted to the Sports Hall where they will gather into their new form groups for an assembly led by Mrs Naughton and Mr O'Neill. Students should be wearing their primary school uniform, and will need to bring a packed lunch, bottle of water and any medication they require. They will meet their form and Form Tutor and engage in a variety of activities, including subject-specific “taster sessions” and getting-to-know-you games. Please collect your child at 3.00pm from the main gates.