Development of Character
Our development of character is inextricably tied to our mission statement - 'May Gods Love Be Our Guide' . We use this to help us guide students towards being the best version of themselves. For this to be the case, we believe in building character, so that students can be successful at college, enabling them to become effective members of society, able to take advantage of future opportunities, contribute to their community as an active citizen, and navigate a changing world guided by strong moral principles.
Our college values;
- Kind
- Patient
- Protect
- Hope
- Persevere
We use these values consistently in our messaging about character - in assemblies, in form time 'Together for Good' sessions, in our Personal Development curriculum lessons, in our conversations with students, in our communication with families.
We are very proud of the many contributions our students make to the school community. Whether that is as a college representative during Open Evening, a Sports Leader, a Sixth Form Ambassador, Anti-Bullying Ambassador, Eco Team member or a student council representative.
We are especially grateful to the Student Council Representatives and the Student Leadership team, who have all been very carefully elected by forms or by staff to their roles. We know that they take these positions seriously, to represent their peers or the college as important leaders. You can find out more about their service and leadership below.
What does the YEAR 11 Student Leadership Team do?
Prefects are a very important part of our college structure. These students help fulfil our college mission statement and are role models to the rest of the college. We expect our prefect team to lead on our high expectations and standards in terms of attitude, attendance, punctuality, uniform and creating a caring family culture within our college.
As a prefect students will help with many college events throughout the year, supporting the transition of our year 7 students into our college, mentoring younger year groups and representing the college in internal and external events.
What do the Sixth Form Ambassadors do?
Student activities will be organised by the Sixth Form Student Ambassadors, which will consist of appointed students as well as members of the Sixth Form staff. The Ambassadors will discuss key issues that concern students and seek to drive continual improvement within the Sixth Form.
The Sixth Form Student Ambassadors will work to organise events, decide on and budget for the use of student funds, represent student views, promote good relations and initiatives within the Trafford area and support a range of charities, both global and local.
Being an ambassador has given me an opportunity to thrive outside of the classroom. It has helped me to rise to the challenge of being a role model within the Sixth Form and main school and to apply myself in different ways -Perry Vanden, Student Ambassador
The Sixth Form Student Ambassadors will give students a voice and make an important contribution to the running of the Sixth Form. We want students to be part of the decision-making process for their Sixth Form as well as the main college. This will be an excellent opportunity to get involved and make an impact on Sixth Form life and gaining key leadership skills along the way. All students are given the opportunity to become an Ambassador before the end of Year 12. They will be interviewed for the position by members of the Sixth Form staff.