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Upcoming events

Our events for 2023/2024:

Family Bingo Night


On Thursday 23rd May 2024, we will be hosting a ‘Family Bingo Night’ in the Sixth Form Cafe. 

This is an event for students, families and the wider community. Entrance tickets are £5 for adults and £2 for children, which will include 2 FREE games. Tickets can be purchased on eventbrite - BINGO TICKETS

Tickets are on sale NOW!

Doors will open at 5.45pm with ‘Eyes Down’ at 6:15pm.

The cards for each game will be on sale on the night at a cost of £2 per game.  There will be 6 games during the evening with lots of prizes up for grabs. Food/Refreshments will be on sale during the evening and all funds raised will go towards St Luke's Hospice.  A raffle will also be held – if you are able to donate a prize for this it would be greatly appreciated.

I do hope you will be able to support us at this event. The more people who come, the better the atmosphere, so please try to fit this event into your diary.

*All students must be accompanied by an adult.


BTHCC Ultimate Challenge



Sadly, some of our families, students and staff have had to deal with the grieve of losing a loved one. Our BTHCC family would like to support our families as much as we can through this difficult time as feelings of grief may affect a person differently over time, so it is important we have the right training, environment, and resources to listen, help and care. 

The BTHCC family have come together with our local community to challenge ourselves to this ultimate challenge! To run the half and full Manchester marathon to raise funds through sponsorship allowing BTHCC to invest in bereavement resources, space, training, and advice to help our present and future families.

If you are able to sponsor us - Sponsor Us Here


Dates for the Diary