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Student Code of Conduct

At Blessed Thomas Holford everything we do is rooted in our mission:

May God’s Love Be Our Guide

As a Catholic family we have the gospel values and Catholic Social Teaching at the core of all we do and we live our values every day. We provide a nurturing, caring and loving environment where spirituality and Catholic ethos and faith permeate everything we do.

We expect our college family to be kind at all times. We aim to develop respectful, compassionate students who are kind to everyone. This reflects the gospel values of Compassion, kindness, service of our neighbour, gentleness, love and generosity. This means that we think of others before we think of ourselves. Being kind is an intrinsic part of what we do at Blessed Thomas Holford. As a Catholic college we are proud to worship, and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Walking around our college you will ‘feel’ our Catholic ethos in the air – the way we talk to one another, the way we support and trust each other and the way we are driven to succeed in our mission.

We work hard. Being successful does not happen without hard work. Everyone must give 100% effort in all subjects, all the time. We promote the values of resilience, perseverance, and determination as qualities to be admired and rewarded, at college, as they will be in life. We expect our students to respond to feedback, improve and not give up. Our students will learn that success needs hard work and effort. The rewards for this hard work and effort will be knowledge learnt from expert teachers as well as making exceptional progress in all areas. At Blessed Thomas Holford we continually celebrate the success of our students because we know that success only comes with hard work.

The staff at Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College promote a dedication to all students which empowers our students to excel spiritually and academically whilst expanding their horizons in a nurturing environment. Our commitment to high-quality teaching, focus on mastery of knowledge and partnerships with parents and the local community provides a richness of experience that enables all to develop their God given talents.

We develop our whole selves. This means that, as well as developing academically, we also expect students to develop personally, spiritually and emotionally. For example, applying for and holding a student leadership position; training to be a peer mentor; attending an after-college club; supporting one of the charities we work with; become a member of the St Vincent d Paul group; being active in worship; joining our College Choir; or playing for one of our sports teams. There are many, many ways to develop your whole self. This is vital because, although achieving academic success is important, we are not defined by this. We are defined by who we are as people of Christ: we develop our whole selves.

Our total love for the child ensures that all individuals are given the opportunity to succeed. Our consistent approach provides clarity for all students and instils strong lifelong learning habits, thus, aiding every student to become better qualified, more successful, and happier. We have the highest expectations for all.

This means that we will do whatever it takes to ensure that every student achieves their full potential both academically and personally. We aim to develop young people who treat others with dignity and respect and have high expectations of themselves and others, encouraging each other to succeed.


We have an excellent reputation for academic achievement based on a consistent record of excellent examination results. Our values driven policies, clear vision and consistent routines demand and nurture a strong sense of moral purpose, personal responsibility, integrity, honesty and respect for others within our students. These qualities enable each of our young people to fulfil their potential. We look forward to working with parents and enabling our students to lead full, active, vibrant lives where every child thrives and makes meaningful contributions by serving others and their community; ensuring the journey to adulthood is a journey of faith.






Students are awarded behaviour for learning points each lesson B1 is outstanding and B5 unacceptable.


​Our basic college behaviour expectations are:

Praise Culture

Being positive with each other builds resilience and improves engagement and work rate. People are motivated by the positive far more than the negative. We place a great sense of importance on the use of

praise and rewards.

Students can earn positive behaviour for learning points every day for upholding the BTHCC way of Being Kind,

Working Hard and Developing Your Whole Self as well as demonstrating the values of Catholic Social Teachings.

Students can use their positive reward points to bid on items in our termly rewards auctions, earn One Central tickets

for the half termly raffles as well as our daily queue jump stickers. We also have praise assemblies for each year group

every week. Daily Rewards: Each day in form time public praise is given to each form group based on the students who get the

most positive points from the previous day. These students are rewarded with a queue jump pass for the canteen that

day. This promotes a sense of family, belonging and teamwork. There is also public recognition for individual students

who have gone above and beyond to demonstrate our values and habits each day.


Mobile Phones

Please ensure you are familiar with our electronic device policy. The policy is in place to safeguard students and staff. Students that breech the policy will have mobile phones, earbuds, smart watches confiscated, and a detention issued. The policy can be found here: