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Safeguarding & Child Protection

Caring for and Safeguarding our STUDENTS

Caring for our students and ensuring their safety is at the heart of everything we do here at Blessed Thomas Holford.  Therefore, safeguarding our students is treated as the highest priority at all times.

There is a dedicated team of staff to look after the welfare of the students.  Every student here at Blessed Thomas Holford knows the routes to take if they have a problem, however small.

The college works tirelessly with other partners to ensure the pupils’ needs are met, and they have the correct, bespoke package of support for them individually.

Our Safeguarding Team

Staff Member Job Title 
Mrs Geoghegan Associate Head Teacher and DSL – Safeguarding lead for the school
Mr Goldrick   Anti-Bullying Lead 
Mrs Kneen Designated Senior Mental Health Lead
Mr Regan Alternate Provision Lead
Mrs Tarry

Director of Pastoral Care & Attendance Lead - DDSL

Mr Worth

Head of Key stage 3  Behaviour & Culture - DDSL

Ms Kirby

Head of Key stage 4 Behaviour and culture - DDSL

Mrs Fox Child Protection Officer & Mental Health Lead
Mrs Avery Educational Welfare Officer
Mrs Williams Designated Teacher for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children
Mr O'Neill Head of Year 7 - DDSL
Ms Tanner

Key Stage 3 Learning Mentor & Mental Health Lead

Ms Stacey Key Stage 4 Learning Mentor
Mrs Ward Bridging Provision co-ordinator of 'The Ark'

Safeguarding at blessed Thomas holford

The college takes the safeguarding of all staff and students extremely seriously and there are policies in place to ensure their safety and well-being at all times.  The key policies can be found on the policies page within the information section of the website.



Other Resources

Kooth: Online Counselling for Children and Young People -    

Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being service for children and young people aged 10-25, available free at the point of access.

Kooth is:

  • Safe, confidential, anonymous
  • Free at the point of need
  • Available through a smart phone, tablet or computer

Kooth helps to reduce wait times for young people seeking help and removes stigma around mental health. Kooth integrates with face-to-face local services to ensure a seamless transition for young people. Our team of accredited counsellors, therapists and support workers provide guided, outcome-focused help for everyone.

Kooth works with local authorities, CCGs, mental health trusts, charities and other organisations to provide early intervention support with clear escalation and de-escalation pathways.

We take safeguarding and clinical governance extremely seriously. The safety and well-being of our users is of our upmost priority



The Kooth team

The Kooth team are here to provide free, safe and anonymous online support and counselling. The whole team are made up of friendly and experienced individuals who want to help you.


Qwell: Online Counselling and Emotional Well-being Service for Adults is an online counselling and emotional well-being service for adults aged 26 plus and is available free at the point of access.

Qwell is:

  • Safe, confidential, anonymous
  • Free at the point of need
  • Available through a smart phone, tablet or computer

Qwell helps to reduce wait times for young people seeking help and removes stigma around mental health. Qwell’s team of accredited counsellors, therapists and support workers provide guided, outcome-focused help for everyone.

Qwell works with local authorities, CCGs, mental health trusts, charities, businesses, employers and other organisations to provide early intervention support with clear escalation and de-escalation pathways.

We take safeguarding and clinical governance extremely seriously. The safety and well-being of our users is of our upmost priority.