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Mental Health and Wellbeing


At Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College we promote positive mental health and well-being with all students through our PHSE, RSE and pastoral curriculum.

Well-being really matters and there are points in all our lives when we require guidance, advice or support. We believe that talking to each other is really important. If you have a question or need some support, your form tutor is a good person to speak to; if they can’t answer your particular question, they will be able to refer you on to someone who can. Your Head of Year is another useful person to speak to and the pastoral team are always on hand to help. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental ill-health please know that your BTHCC family is here for you.

Always remember that if you have concerns about your child’s mental health and well-being, teachers at the school are always available for a meeting in order to find the best way to support you. Please also have a look at the useful resources page to access resources and services which can help.

Alongside this all members of our community have free access to our platform to support positive mental health. This can be accessed here 

Useful Organisations/ Services  

Trafford Family Information Service - A comprehensive directory of all of the mental health services available within Trafford

Trafford Virtual Mental Wealth Hub - A single point of access to Mental Health Services available to children and young people in Trafford


Mental Health




Online Safety

Eating Disorders

Self Harm


Neglect & Abuse

Young Carers

Emotional Wellbeing


More help

Kooth – Free, safe and anonymous online/text support for anybody struggling with feeling lonely, anxious, depressed, suicidal, worried or stressed.

Shout - Free, safe and anonymous online/text support for anybody struggling with feeling lonely, anxious, depressed, suicidal, worried or stressed.

Talkshop  - Support with anything causing children and young people worries

Place2Be – Providing early mental health support for children and young people  

Trafford School Nurses - Talk to a member of the pastoral team at school to talk about a referral to the school nurse.

Coaching Inside and Out (13+) - Life coaches to work with you on anything causing you a problem, for example anxiety, relationships, returning to school, anger etc.

MU Foundation - Inspiring young people to build a better life for themselves and unite the communities in which you live.

Early Break Trafford - 1:1 person-centred support for a range of difficulties including substance misuse, physical health, emotional health, sexual health, family, education, finance, employment etc. Whole family support where there is an issue with a parent/carer who has a substance use issue.

NHS Children and Young People's Mental Health Services - NHS support for children dealing with mental health difficulties