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Dress Code


You are expected to wear clothes which would be appropriate for working in an office. This entails the following essentials:

  • Smart trousers, a shirt and tie.  
  • Smart trousers and a smart top.
  • A jacket or jumper may be worn as long as your tie can still be seen.
  • Skirts and dresses may be worn (these should be of an appropriate length).

Not allowed:

  • Combat trousers, tracksuit bottoms or jeans.
  • Trainers, but you may wear pumps that are a single colour
  • Ugg style boots, Crocs or sliders.
  • Leggings in place of trousers, but you may wear them under a dress.
  • Shorts or playsuits.
  • Tops with ‘large’ logos.
  • Vest tops with thin straps and tops showing a midriff
  • Hoodies (including Leavers' Hoodies).

We are aware that there is a degree of interpretation in this code. We would like you to understand that, ultimately, we would like to give you a degree of freedom, expect you to look 'smart' and be role models for our year 7 to 11 students.

Dress will be monitored by your tutors and the Head of Sixth Form on a regular basis. The college reserves the right to send you home to change if you arrive at college wearing inappropriate clothes.