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Year 7 Appeals

Year 7 Appeal Information and Timeline

If you have not been offered a place following a Year 7 application, you have the right to appeal.  The panel is completely independent of the school and the Local Authority.   Please use the link to the Appeal form below.  Please send any evidence or supporting material to

Appeal form Year 7 Appeal Application 2025


Important Information

You do not need to attach photographs, videos or schoolwork to the appeal form.  Panels are NOT allowed to assess a child’s talents or academic performance.  Panel members receive their appeal papers through the post.  For safeguarding issues photographs and links to videos cannot be sent through the post.  This is not censorship but a policy to protect the child.

Appeals are because the school is full after offering places to applicants solely on its published admission criteria (please see the Admission Policy for further information) up to its published admission number PAN.

Published Admission Number (PAN)

Years 7, 8 and 9–290 per year group                 

Years 10 and 11–250 per year group

Useful websites for further information.


Register Appeal – by Friday 28th March 2025

We have 3 Appeal dates booked for Year 7 Admissions Sept 2025

30th April, 1st May and 2nd May (appointments will be sent out)

An invitation letter giving details about your hearing will be sent to you.

At least 10 school days before the hearing. 

This will be e-mailed.

Additional supporting evidence to be sent to

Please email any supporting evidence you wish to include for your appeal to be received no later than 10 days before your appeal hearing.

Letter from the Clerk to the Independent Appeal Panel informing you of the decision of the Independent Appeal Panel

Usually within 5–10 schooldays after the hearing.