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Homework/Learn English at home

At Blessed Thomas Holford we use "Show My Homework" to notify parents and pupils of work completed at home. 

Click on the link below to log in to "Show My Homework" 

Show My Homework

 We have compiled a Homework Schedule to help you to assist your children in managing their Homework tasks and to improve the progress and outcomes for your child. These are published by year group below:

The purpose of Homework is to

  • Consolidate, reinforce and extend what pupils know, understand and can do at school
  • Extend school learning: not all learning takes place at school
  • Involve parents and carers in pupils’ learning and keep them informed about what pupils are doing at school
  • Help pupils to get to grips with managing particular demands, such as GCSE coursework

Your child will be recording Home Learning tasks in their diary for each lesson of the day. Pupils may expect to receive two or three pieces of home learning per night and on those nights when less is set they should be engaging in reading, research, improving work and project based learning tasks.

We would like to ask for your support in helping your child complete their Home Learning tasks, namely by providing an area for them to work in which is free from distractions and where they are able to ask for help when necessary.

To reward pupils for their continued efforts with Home Learning, pupils who always complete home learning and have never failed to hand in a piece will be taken on a reward trip to the cinema in the final term.  We will also enter pupils who have handed home learning in on time into a half-termly raffle. Teachers will also be rewarding any outstanding pieces of Home Learning with House Points and VIPAs.

Thank you for your continued support and we welcome any feedback with regards to homework. 

Please also see below your guide to supporting your child with English at home.