College Day
‘Our institutions should provide young people with places they can make their own, where they can come and go freely, feel welcome and readily meet other young people, whether at times of difficulty and frustration, or of joy and celebration.’ Pope Francis (218)
Everyone is welcomed into college by the duty team for that day led by Mrs Stacey and Miss Tanner. If students are arriving at college with any worries or concerns, please inform the duty staff.
Breakfast Club is open for all students selling a selection of cereals, hot food, and drinks between 8am until 9am.
All students are asked to arrive at BTHCC before the bell at 8.45am. This time is known as ‘Ready to Learn’ and is an opportunity for students who have travelled to college to grab a drink and breakfast in the canteen including free fruit, meet their friends, hand in homework, visit Student Services regarding any equipment, uniform, or timetable issues and also time to visit their locker or the bathroom.
Our Attendance Team is near Student Services each morning welcoming anyone who has been absent from college and will help them catch up with any work they have missed.
Mr Dobbs our receptionist can be found on reception each morning in the Fatima building available to help any parents/carers at the beginning of the day.
The stationery shop is open during Ready to Learn on the stage allowing students the opportunity to buy any equipment they need for a successful day of learning. The Homework Club and Library are available to anyone who needs to catch up on any homework, quite reading or research.
During this time staff are on duty to welcome and signpost students who may arrive with barriers to learning. The Pastoral Team, Teaching Assistants, Librarian, and Chaplain all offer a safe place for the students to share and be supported. We want to give every child the opportunity to be prepared, and ready to learn by 9am.
At 9am students arrive in their form rooms and prepare for the day ahead with their Form Tutor.
Break time
During the break time there are different areas outside for students to relax. There are areas for sitting and chatting, areas for ball games and the canteen and hall are open for those who prefer to stay indoors. Duty staff are available to all at break time.
Lunch Time
After serval student voice appeals, we have changed our BTHCC day to allow all students the opportunity to participate in enrichment activities. At Blessed Thomas Holford College, enrichment activities are more than optional extras—they are a vital part of our mission to shape students into confident, capable, and successful individuals. Our bespoke enrichment programme is crafted specifically for our college community, ensuring every student has the opportunity to leave with more than just outstanding examination results. These experiences empower our students to stand out from the crowd, equipping them with invaluable life skills that open doors to future success.
Our extensive enrichment offerings are available during lunchtimes for all students, with additional sessions held before and after college in specific subject areas. These activities are designed to inspire students to explore new interests, broaden their knowledge, and develop essential skills while forming lasting friendships. Whether trying something new, deepening an understanding of the world, or gaining practical experience, every enrichment opportunity at Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College enhances a student's personal and academic growth.
These unique experiences give our students a competitive edge when preparing personal statements, college applications, apprenticeship submissions, or job applications, ensuring they are fully equipped for the challenges and opportunities of life beyond college.
The canteen team will assist students in enjoying a healthy meal. Students can always receive a loan for lunch if they speak to the canteen duty staff.
Students must queue up politely and be considerate of others, they should not drop any litter and ensure their table is tidy after their lunch. The Litter Wardens and Site Team support all our community in always keeping our college clean and tidy.
The Duty Staff work with our SLT to ensure that all students have a safe and enjoyable lunchtime. A team of Teaching Assistants eat their lunch in the canteen so that students can share any concerns.
During a wet weather, all year groups have their own allocated wet weather bases supervised by the Duty Team and SLT.
End of the day
The duty staff will help students to leave the college campus in an orderly manner and we ask students to always remember their responsibilities as part of the BTHCC family as they travel home from college. The library is open for students who wish to read, catch up any work missed or complete any homework. When students wear their uniform, it must always be smart, and students must model our college values and expectations after the college day has ended.
Students must tell a member of staff or prefect immediately if they experience any bullying or feel unsafe. If students have any ideas/suggestions about how time between lessons can be improved, they should speak to their form tutor, their Student Council representative, or a member of SLT who is on duty each day.
‘We don’t come fully formed into the world. We learn how to think, how to walk, how to speak, how to behave, indeed how to be human from other human beings. We need other human beings in order to be human. We are made for togetherness…to exist in a tender network of interdependence.
That is how you have ubuntu – you care, you are hospitable, you’re gentle, you’re compassionate and concerned.’ Desmond Tutu